E40 to CDM Converter / Adapter


E40 to CDM Converter / Adapter

Convert your reflector with full spectrum 315w CDM that gives more yield per watt than HPS!
CDM (Ceramic Discharge Metal-Halide) lamps give out an intense full spectrum light that plants love. The E40 to CDM Converter / Adapter converts your current reflectors E40 lamp fitting for use with a CDM lamp. CDM lamps give you incredible full spectrum light which gives much better quality than you would expect from HPS lighting alone.

Save on your electricity bills and produce the same yields!
CDM – full spectrum light output that plants love
Less heat output than equivalent HPS lights
Gives off 1.9 umols PPF per watt – amazingly efficient!

1 x E40 to CDM Converter / Adapter

How the E40 to CDM Converter / Adapter Works
The E40 to CDM Converter / Adapter simply screws into your reflectors E40 lamp fitting, this then lets you use CDM lamps alongside a specific CDM ballast such as the Maxibright Daylight.

How to use the E40 to CDM Converter / Adapter
PLEASE NOTE: The 315w CDM lamps need to be bedded in as follows: on first illumination the lamp needs to be run continuously for a minimum of 15 minutes. This will allow the metals within the lamp to fuse correctly.

If the above is not adhered to, lamp warranty claims will be void.

Simply screw the convertor into your current reflectors E40 fitting and screw the CDM lamp into the convertor in your reflector as tightly as possible by gripping the lamp with a clean, dry cloth. If the lamp is not screwed in as tightly as possible, arcing can occur between the centre contact of the lamp and the lamp-holder. This melts the solder contact on the bottom of the lamp, causing damage and making it un-useable. Make sure that the lamp is clean and completely free of fingerprints and other contaminants. Finally, make sure that your reflector is hung at the correct height for your CDM Lamp.

The wattage of your ballast MUST match the wattage of the lamp you are using or there will be a high risk of fires or equipment damage. Only use the Maxibright ballast that comes with this kit for firing up the CDM lamps. Never use a HPS or MH ballast with CDM lamps. Connect the mains plug into an electrical outlet socket and switch on. The Maxibright CDM ballast will start-up and light the lamp.

Please note: With CDM lamps until they have achieved at least 10 hours of use (from new) that they should not be switched off for at least 2 minutes after switch-on. This includes testing during the initial installation. If it happens then the light needs to be left off for at least 1 hour before switching back on again. Failure to do this will damage the lamp and will lead to ignition problems.