Rhizopon Chryzotop Green 0.25% - 25gram


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Rhizopon Chryzotop Green 0.25% – 25gram

Rhizopon Rooting Hormone powder is a first class product from Amsterdam. The rooting powder is a bio-simulator – which provides the natural auxins found in a cutting naturally – to encourage a consistent uniform of roots around the base of the cutting.

How does it work?
Usually when a cutting is taken the natural auxin is not enough – and therefore you will often see a delay before roots appear or they may not appear at all. Auxins promote stem elongation, root tips and stems, playing an important role in plant development. Using Rhizopon Rooting Hormone – ensures that your cutting develops strong rooting systems to assure quality plant health and development.

Rhizopon Rooting Powder Key Benefits:
Will not deteriorate over time – its a Powder!
Accelerate and Stimulate Root Formation
Easy to ready to use and apply to cuttings
Produce new roots after transplant
Repaired damaged roots
Eliminate the development of uneven roots
How to Use Rhizopon Rooting Powder:
Dip your cutting in water then shake off excess
Dip cutting bases 1 – 2cm from base with powder
Shake any excess powder of gentle
Plant cutting as usual in a pre made hole (to ensure powder is not removed)